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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world

Who is ISCT?

Management Team and Staff

Our operations are led by our three person Management Team and by two part-time staff, along with contract trainers and over 50 volunteers. The Management Team implements the Board’s policies and plans, oversees the working groups and projects, and hires staff. 

Janet Mueller is the part-time Coordinator of the Institute and a member of the Management team.  As Coordinator, she manages the day to day operations and program management, as well supporting the working groups and the board committees. Janet can be reached at  or (937) 333-2356.

Lydia Vanderkaay is the part-time Assistant Coordinator. She manages the Virtual Institute offerings, the sale of products, and assists with many ISCT projects. Lydia can be reached at

Anja Bekink is the Board President and the Board representative on the Management Team. 

Basia Solarz is a ISCT Fellow and the Fellow representative on the Management Team. 

The ISCT Board of Directors

ISCT Board members provide oversight and guidance on mission and objectives,  ensure that the mission of the organization is honored,  and that the organization’s resources are used wisely in support of that purpose.  Our Board must have between 8-14 people including 4-7 fellows.  Board members hold 3 year staggered terms with a maximum of two consecutive terms.  Board members are nominated by the ISCT Nominating Committee, a committee made up of members and fellows. 

ISCT Fellows

Fellows are individuals who are committed to the transformative approach of practice, who share responsibility for its growth, development, and sustenance. Fellows exist to protect the integrity of the transformative approach and support ethical practice that is aligned to the approach.  Fellows are persons who have and continue to make significant contributions to the growth of transformative practice and/or to the Institute.  Meet the fellows here. If you have an interest in applying to be a fellow, please contact Janet for more information at or (937) 333-2356.


Members are the heart of our organization. As a member, you are invited to connect with other practitioners through working groups, cafes and volunteer projects. Read more about becoming a member!

Transformative Centers & Groups worldwide

There are Transformative Centers & groups around the world. Follow the links to read more about these connected centers. If you know of one not listed, let us know!

Czech Republic- Institut Transformace Konfliktu

Poland- Centrum Dialogu i Transformacji Konfliktu

Italy- Quadra

Maryland- St. Mary's County, Calvert County 

New York- CDRC/Ithaca, Dutchess County, CSD 7th District NY/Rochester

Ohio- Dayton Mediation Center

Pennsylvania, Susquehanna Valley Mediation Center

The Netherlands- Het Transformatieve Model

The Francophone Group- Réseau Francophone pour une Approche Transformative du Conflit

Japan - Mediators

Slovenia- Rakmo Institute,

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