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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world


Welcome to the ISCT Blog! This is a community space to share news, stories of connecting to Transformative practice, projects that members are working on, etc.  We are open to submissions! If you have an interest in sharing something, please email

  • June 21, 2024 11:06 AM | Lydia VanderKaay (Administrator)

    Learn and Connect Virtually at the ISCT

    By Dan Simon

    You can learn about transformative mediation and connect with kindred spirits through the ISCT. Over the past 8 years the ISCT's virtual offerings have grown. As have our number of presenters and teachers. Everyone who offers something through the Virtual Institute is a professional transformative practitioner and trainer. We are so happy to have their wealth of knowledge and insight to share with our members, and anyone interested in transformative conflict work.

    Whether you are new to transformative practice or an experienced professional, the Virtual Institute has something for you! Our offerings are highly interactive, with small participant groups that allow maximum engagement and practice.  We hope this sets us apart in creating the best experience for participants' learning.

    In the next few months, we have Basic Mediation Training, Practice Groups, Ethics, Child-Inclusive Mediation, and More!

    Basic Mediation Training (with Janet Mueller and Tara West). If you’ve never had training in transformative mediation, this is the place to start. If you’ve had mediation training that wasn’t transformative, or if you’ve had no mediation training, this course will get you on track. If you’ve had some transformative mediation training, this course might still provide you with new insights and a greater comfort level. Janet and Tara are both Fellows of the ISCT. Janet has trained mediators for the Dayton Mediation and the ISCT since the 90’s and she serves as the ISCT’s Coordinator. Tara is the noted author of The Mediator’s Approach and Self-Determination in Mediation.

    Practice Groups. You really get to practice in these workshops. Participants play the roles of disputants and take turns mediating. Practice Groups are included in the Basic Mediation Training. Or you can sign up for practice groups as their own thing.

    Inside Out Practice Group. For the first time this fall, we’re offering an Inside Out Practice Group, with ISCT Fellows Robin Brzobohatý and Martina Cirbusová. Would you like to analyze how mediation works without the pressure of being analyzed yourself?  This session will allow you to see how mediators work, ask questions about their intentions, and explore how they responded to opportunities the parties’ present. You should only take this course if you’ve had Basic Training in Transformative Mediation.

    Mediation Ethics. Professor Sharon Press, ISCT Board Member, is a luminary in the mediation field. She will host an engaging discussion of the most interesting ethical dilemmas that confront mediators.

    Child-Inclusive Mediation. Learn how to give children real voice and choice in family mediation, with ISCT Fellows Robin Brzobohatý and Martina Cirbusová.

    We are happy to continue sharing the knowledge and experience to inspire transformative practitioners like you. If you have questions about ISCT's virtual offerings, or are interested in becoming a trainer for us, please get in touch with

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