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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world

Anja Bekink


Member profile details

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Full Member
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she, her, hers
Board and Fellows
  • Current Board Member
ISCT Certified Transformative Mediator
  • Yes
Certified Mediator Year
Short Bio
Anja Bekink is an experienced ISCT-certified transformative mediator & trainer, she is part of the Dutch Thinktank, board member of Stichting Het Transformatieve Model ( and honoured to have the opportunity to be president of the ISCT. Besides being a mediator, Anja works as an interim manager, project leader & coach in the healthcare sector (mainly in hospitals). She also uses her knowledge and experience of transformative mediation in these roles. She is interested and experienced in conflict coaching & mediation in groups of healthcare professionals. She believes that the quality of the teamwork has an important impact on the quality of healthcare.
Group participation
  • Authorized Mediation Trainer
  • Board Members
  • Certified Mediator

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