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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world

Welcome to the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation!  

 As an international think tank, we promote the understanding of conflict processes and intervention from the transformative approach through membership, research, publications, programs, and events. As transformative practitioners, scholars and students, we are rooted in the premises of a relational worldview and strive to support people in conflict to regain their strength and responsiveness so they can change the quality of their interactions.

Our Mission is to study and promote the understanding of conflict processes and intervention from the transformative framework.

We seek to grow the acceptance and adoption of the model by serving transformative practitioners, those interested in the transformative model, and the broader field – anywhere in the world, especially where we have local champions supporting the work.

We emphasize our unique strengths including a model rooted in theory with  clear and articulated values that drives our practice across a variety of arenas, and our champions – the people who believe in this work and give their time and talents to supporting the mission of the ISCT.

We are sustained by fees for our services, membership fees, product sales, event fees, grants, and donations. Read more about giving here.

A little about Transformative work

Transformative work encompasses mediation, dialogue, coaching and more. The Transformative Approach defines conflict as a crisis in human interaction; a transformative practitioner’s interventions provide help in overcoming this crisis and restoring constructive interaction.  

Transformative Practitioners hold a relational worldview, where people are understood as having individual identities yet existing in relation to others. A relational worldview considers the inevitable tension that exists between regard for self and regard for others. 

To find out more, watch the video above, register for one of our workshops or classes, or get in touch with us at

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