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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world

Check-In’s - The Art of Asking Non-Directive Questions, with Robin Brzobohaty and Martina Cirbusová

  • May 22, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • online


  • If you were part of the recent Basic Transformative Mediation Training please use your code to receive 25% off.

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Check-In’s - The Art of Asking Non-Directive Questions, with Robin Brzobohaty and Martina Cirbusová

Asking questions is a powerful tool through which parties can regain the reins of the conversation and restore their agency. As transformative practitioners, we ask questions in the form of the check-in intervention. The challenge, however, is how not to misuse questions to dominate the conversation or be one step ahead of the parties, leading them toward predefined objectives. This workshop will offer a deep analysis of this essential tool of the transformative practitioner in terms of proper delivery and possible positive and negative consequences of asking questions on the self-determination of the participants. Thus, the workshop will focus on the skill of asking questions in a way that maintains the fulfillment of all the premises of the transformative approach.

In a 3 hour workshop participants will learn:

What type of intervention a check-in is

  • What is the difference between content and process questions

  • How does asking both types of questions influence the conversation and self-determination

  • How to ask questions in tune with the premises of transformative practice 

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