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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world

Transformative Mediation and Friends Peace House in Kigali, Rwanda: A Panel Discussion and Q & A with Antoine Samvura, Daniel Nteziyaremye, Silas Rwenyaguza Rugimbana and Christine Curci

  • October 05, 2023
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


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Transformative Mediation and Friends Peace House in Kigali, Rwanda:

A Panel Discussion and Q & A with Antoine Samvura, Daniel Nteziyaremye, Silas Rwenyaguza Rugimbana and Christine Curci

Facilitated by ISCT Fellow, Kristine Paranica

  • Register for the live panel discussion with Q & A taking place October 5, 11 am-12 pm Eastern.
  • You will receive more background information and a recorded presentation on this work.
  • Come to the October 5 conversation with thoughts and questions to share!

 Some back ground information about the program:

On April 6, 1994, the genocide of Rwandan Tutsi and moderate Hutu began within an hour of the Presidents plane being shot down over Kigali. In the next 100 days, over  800,000 men, women and children were killed.  Most were hacked to death by Machete, all while the world looked on and did nothing to intervene. Every single citizen left alive was traumatized. But in the end, the Rwandans were able to save themselves, each other, and the nation. They began the painful process of rebuilding; peacebuilders rising out of their own despair to create a uniquely Rwandan system for forgiveness and reconciliation, and justice. Rwandans continue to provide assistance to all who ask to resolve conflicts by peaceful means.

Friends Peace House, a small Quaker NGO, has been part of this process for many years.   Friends Peace House helps hundreds of people live peaceful, meaningful lives.  Their Transformative Mediation program is so highly regarded that their services are requested around the country.  Working with a small budget and dedicated volunteers, they have managed to do amazing work, often under difficult and austere circumstances. It has been my distinct privilege to work together with my dedicated Rwandan colleagues, providing training in refugee camps, prisons, and communities to foster a more peaceful society and positive Rwanda.

About the Panelists:

Antoine Samvura
Antoine is a passionate peace advocate with over a decade of experience, currently serving as the Coordinator of Friends Peace House, a Quaker NGO founded in 2000. He is a trained Transformative Mediation facilitator and is part of the executive committee of the Great Lakes Peace Building Institute and the FWCC Africa section, working towards promoting peace and harmony.

Daniel Nteziyaremye

Daniel is a devoted peace builder.  He currently serves as the National field Coordinator of Turning the Tide, a social justice and peace building program that equips and supports communities in addressing underlying causes of violence and injustice, administered through FPH.  He is an experienced mediator, facilitator and translator.  He coordinates the FPH implementation of mediation projects and works to support the network of FPH mediators.  Additionally, he serves on a number of boards throughout Rwanda and the Great Lakes Region, all devoted to peace building.

Silas Rwenyaguza Rugimbana

Silas is a committed peace builder who currently serves as the lead Pastor of the Evangelical Friends for the entire Eastern Province of Rwanda.  His initial training in  Mediation was through the Great Lakes Initiative in 2005.  Since re-training in 2015 he has become a passionate advocate of Transformative Mediation using his skills to mediate, train and mentor new mediators with a particular focus on community and church settings.   

Christine Curci PhD

Christine has specific skill training in Social Work, Peace building and Transformative Mediation.  She began working on the African continent in 2004 and has had the distinct honor and pleasure of working with the Rwandan FPH peace builders since 2014. 

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