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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world

Mediation: Embedded Assumptions of Whiteness?

  • June 09, 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • online


  • For all levels of membership
  • For anyone who is not a member of the ISCT

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Mediation: Embedded Assumptions of  Whiteness?

Last year, Ellen Deason and Sharon Press published “Mediation: Embedded Assumptions of  Whiteness?,” 22 Cardozo J. Conflict Resol. 453 (2021), which applied the analytical framework of Layla Saad’s book “Me and White Supremacy” to mediation. At this session, they will lay out this framework to introduce concepts such as tone policing, white exceptionalism, color-blindness, and assumptions of white superiority. Participants will be invited to join in a conversation about whether these issues are present in Transformative Mediation (or in their practice) and if so, how. They will also have an opportunity to share ideas on how mediators might address such problems in the spirit of anti-racist work.

Bios of the presenters:

Ellen E. Deason is the Joanne Wharton Murphy / Classes of 1965 and 1973 Professor in Law Emerita at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law in Columbus, Ohio, where she taught (and still teaches) Mediation, International Commercial Arbitration & Mediation, Civil Procedure, and other Dispute Resolution courses. She serves as Reporter for two Uniform Law Commission Committees related to Dispute Resolution and Litigation. She is a past Chair of the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) ADR Section. Her article Beyond ‘Managerial Judges’: Appropriate Roles in Settlement was selected as the best article of 1997 by the AALS ADR Section. She has been honored with multiple awards, including the Ohio State University Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching and the Carleton College Alumni Distinguished Achievement Award. For more, see .  

Sharon Press is Director of the Dispute Resolution Institute and Professor of Law at Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, MN. Press currently serves as Co-President of Community Mediation Minnesota and serves on the boards of the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation and Community Mediation and Restorative Services. Press is a Florida Supreme Court certified county and family mediator and on Minnesota’s Rule 114 Roster of Civil Facilitative and Hybrid Neutrals.  She also mediates regularly in Conciliation, Housing, and Harassment Courts and for the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.  Prior to joining Mitchell Hamline Law, Press served as director of the Florida Dispute Resolution Center where she was responsible for the ADR programs for the Florida state court system. Press was the Association for Conflict Resolution’s representative to the Drafting Committee for the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators adopted by the AAA, ABA and ACR.

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